A person’s beliefs are based upon a variety of factors, a mix of nature and nurture. I believe that a person’s beliefs should malleable as one continues to learn more, rethink their assumptions, and comes to new (tentative) conclusions. As a result of this belief, you will notice the following phrases, which reflect the fact that there some things I am more certain about than others: “I’m certain,” “I’m convinced,” “I’m persuaded,” “I’m unsure,” “I deny,” “I understand,” etc.
Please visit this page often, as I will be updating it regularly. The newest parts will be indicated.
Last updated: 04/07/2024
When I visit a person’s or church’s website, I often appreciate finding a concise list of their fundamental beliefs on key topics related to Christianity. This page reflects my personal beliefs on a wide range of subjects, but it also serves to clarify my current understanding of the core principles of the Christian faith, along with a few other important convictions.
I believe...
God is only one person, revealed in Scripture as the Father.
The Holy Spirit is a way to refer to the activity and power of God.
Jesus is the Messiah, and is the truest revelation of God.
The Bible was written by human beings, but was inspired by God.
Jesus is the source of salvation since he was authorized by God to proclaim the gospel (repentance) and humbly served as the example of righteousness (the cross).
Jesus was raised from the dead to live eternally, and is now ruling on God’s behalf.
Newly committed followers of Jesus should engage in the ritual of baptism (full immersion in water) in order to demonstrate their commitment to Jesus.
God’s Law (the Torah) has not been abolished, but many aspects were fulfilled and rendered obsolete with the destruction of the Temple in 70AD.
Every person should obey the commandments of God that apply to them in their context.
Human beings are mortal, and can only gain immortality (eternal life) through Jesus.
The Church is not a replacement of Israel, but a way to refer to Jesus’ community made up of the righteous remnant within Israel and the righteous from among the nations.